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Thomas Lewandowski

See also: Categories: Instructors, Adjudicators, Dancers

Born: January 12
Hometown: Poland
Current location: Los Angeles, California
Current status:

Thomas Lewandowski former professional Ballroom dancer specialist in International style Latin and Standard. Professional Latin American Showdance Champions.


Thomas Lewandowski started to dance at the age of 7 and Izabella a bit later at the age of 12. They both started their dance career by dancing both Styles: Latin and Standard.

Thomas and Izabella started dancing together 13 years ago,and have decided to continue their training only in International Style Latin. Shortly after they moved to the USA, they begin their professionalcareer. Thomas and Izabella have traveled the world, competing, performing shows and teaching. They have achieved many titles including United States Professional Latin Finalists, United States Professional Latin American Showdance Champions, World Professional Latin American Showdance Finalists.

Currently living in Los Angeles, they are busy working on their brand new Dance Studio. In 2011 they decided to retire from competitive and are now focusing on teaching, performing and judging.



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